Oshodi. “They said I won’t survive a day in Oshodi” – Oyinbo man visits trenches to eat street food, video trends

“They said I won’t survive a day in Oshodi” – Oyinbo man visits trenches to eat street food, video trends

A white man has shared his experience after visiting Oshodi and eating street food despite being warned that he wouldn’t survive a day.

The oyinbo man identified as @authentic_traveling on TikTok took his audience on a culinary adventure through Oshodi, one of Lagos’s most renowned neighborhoods.

With a caption that read, “Visiting Oshodi to try street food,” he fearlessly dove into the local cuisine.

In the video, he showcased a variety of dishes he encountered in Oshodi. He began with a classic combination of bread and butter, explaining that Nigerians have a fondness for white bread and enjoy pairing it with various ingredients.

Moving on, he sampled pepper chicken feet, acknowledging their chewy texture and flavorful kick.

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To keep his energy up, Authentic Traveling grabbed a fearless, his favorite Nigerian energy drink, and paired it with a popular snack called gala, a packaged pastry filled with beef.

He noted that although gala can be dry, it can make you feel satisfied when eaten with pure water, which is a refreshing and affordable water option available in water sachets.

According to him, no visit to Oshodi would be complete without encountering the area boys, local gangs known for sometimes soliciting money. Authentic Traveling generously shared a few naira with them.

Finally, he indulged in a mouthwatering combination of rice, spaghetti, beans, and stew, proclaiming the stew to be the highlight of his culinary exploration in Oshodi.

See the video below:


Visiting Oshodi, one of Lagos’s most notorious neighborhoods to try street food. We started at under bridge and worked our way up to Arena Market. #oshodi #lagos #streetfood #nigeria #westafrica #africa #africanstreetfood

♬ original sound – Chris – Authentic Traveling


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