Drug; Xolani Khumalo Takes A Step Further In Dealing With Drug Dealers In The Country

Xolani Khumalo Takes A Step Further In Dealing With Drug Dealers In The Country

There are ordinary people in this country who genuinely want to see change in the way things are being done and the way people’s lives are affected. The country has a huge drug problem. Young people engage in drug activities and this is destroying their lives and they are the future of this country.

We know that Xolani Khumalo used to do the work that was supposed to be done by the pulice of going after drug dealers. He has exposed a lot of people and what goes on in these communities where drugs are a huge problem. Many people would not miss his show as they wanted to see who are these drug dealers. There is a lot that happened during his show and some people believe that he used to torture the victims while the show was on an ad break. This led to one of the suspected drug dealer dying after he confronted him and he is now facing serious charges with regard to that.

But Xolani says that the fact that the show is off, it does not means that it was the end of it. The show is on a seasonal break and it will come back. In the meantime he has launched a foundation which is aimed at helping the government to do what they are supposed to do when it comes to the justice system.

He says that during the time when he would apprehend those drug dealers and hand them over to the police, nothing was done about those cases. The following day you see people roaming the streets again, and now he aims at ensuring that justice prevail. This matter is one close to his heart because there are some family members that are into drugs and have lost everything. Above all this is a South African problem if not the entire Sadc region.

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Many people appreciated what Xolanidis on Zizokthola and the fact that this was done on TV, some thought that he is just doing it for fame. But now they can see that he is even taking it firther beyond the screens. He want to see the country succeed and with so much drugs, that can be a challenge hence he has invested so much in tacking this problem.


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