You have prepared Bitterleaf Soup with cocoyam, Bitterleaf Soup with Oats, Bitterleaf Soup with ofo and all other thickeners. It’s time to prepare Bitterleaf Soup with achi as thickener!
Watch the video: Nigerian Bitterleaf Soup with Achi as thickener [Video]
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Bitterleaf Soup Ingredients
Watch the video below to see details of the best quantities of ingredients depending on the consistency you are going for.
- 3 to 4 table spoons dry ground achi
- Igbo-style washed bitter leaves
- Palm oil
- Habanero pepper or cayenne pepper
- Beef
- offals
- dry fish
- stockfish
- crayfish
- seasoning cubes
- ogiri Igbo
- salt (to taste)
Serve with any Nigerian Fufu meal.
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