Archbishop Chukwuma: Tinubu-led ECOWAS’ll backfire —Niger

Niger: Tinubu-led ECOWAS’ll backfire —Archbishop Chukwuma

The Archbishop of Enugu Ecclesiastical Province of the Anglican Communion, His Grace, Emmanuel Chukwuma has condemned the planned invasion of Niger Republic by ECOWAS  over  last month’s coup in the country.

Chukwuma who spoke in Enugu during a chat with journalists said that the leadership of ECOWAS did not engage in proper consultation before issuing threats of war on Niger.

He said that any military action on Niger will backfire on Nigeria and other West African States, adding that ECOWAS war-mongering is proof of massive corruption among its leaders.

He said: “It’s also unfortunate that the present government is not consulting enough, hence, they have led ECOWAS to misfire. Right now, it’s an absolute shame on our President Tinubu who wants to go to war with Niger.

“The Niger Republic coup happened because of corruption and life becoming so difficult for the people. That led to an intervention by the Army. The people rejoiced about that. 

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“Now, rather than fighting corruption and condemning the evil act of the Niger President, they are fighting the coup d’etat. It is wrong. I think this has shown that ECOWAS leaders themselves are corrupt and they don’t see anything wrong in corruption. 

“Worse things are happening in ECOWAS countries than what is happening in Niger but because there is some sort of corruption even in the military, they are not planning for intervention. 

“Nigerians today are passing through a difficult time. They are suffering but they have enough patience. I think the time has come for us to say enough is enough.

“I am very happy that many people are condemning going to Niger for war. Nigeria at this time needs intervention to bring succour in this country because people are suffering. If the government can’t do that, God will come down one day and intervene on our behalf and there will be confusion. There is a need for a revolution in Nigeria. Nigeria is due for a revolution for things to go better because things are becoming worse.”



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